Thursday, July 19, 2007

Adobe Air Tour.

Went to the Dallas stop of the Adobe onAIR Bus tour. A pretty good event and I definitely learned some things about AIR I didn't know yet. I see a lot of uses for it and think it is a good fit with the web apps that we are already planning.

Mark Pillar of Midnight Coders did a demo of WebORB that impressed me. I am already a user of WebORB on several projects but I had not seem some of the latest features. This project is moving forward at a great pace and I think becoming the remoting product of choice. I'm really surprised at how many people are using XML still with all the advantages remoting has to offer. He showed a version of the .NET weborb that lets you embed it into an AIR app. That's interesting but with the built-in SQL Lite I'm not sure of the advantages. The Active Record style object mapping was really cool and combined with the new Code Generation features makes it an incredibly efficient way to build these kind of applications.

I saw a lot of people from the Dallas flash community there, including guys from most of the ad agencies and Yahoo. They said it was one of the best turnouts on the tour which doesn't surprise me.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it was good seeing you last night. I stayed for Danny's presentation, and almost got sucked into the .net presentation.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Mark Piller said...

Hey John, thanks for stopping by last night and BIG thanks for your kind words about WebORB.
Some of the advantages of the WebORB for AIR edition of the product are:
1. Does not require a web server so you can host and run your .NET objects locally in a windows service
2. Allows you to connect and work with any database rather than local SQLite-based file
3. Allows to run the same backend either on the local file system or remotely elsewhere without any changes in the client code

7:48 PM  

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